Friday, October 17, 2008

Have the same flavoured ice-cream...

It’s better to stay with your own kind when choosing a date.

Of all the other topics I read, I thought that I should definitely write about the topic above. Leaving high school we have so many expectations and naïve hope. We come to university to meet a diversity of people with totally different backgrounds and cultures which we come to appreciate, but that it seems like it is not all of us. Some are open-minded and are comfortable with other races are not and I have come to realize that there is no real social interaction amongst races. One would assume the popularity of interracial dating in the twenty-first century to be proof of racism and its wounds being a thing of the past, unfortunately not.

It’s better to stay with your own kind because when choosing a date because people of the same race are already different, and dating someone from a different race is just complicating matters. Dating a different race means that you will have to learn about their culture, their language and background and it is not easy accommodating something totally different. Other races are not very keen on interracial relationships.

Particularly I think that black women are very challenged in society. First of all we have to overcome the patriarchal societies and now dating is a challenge. According to my experience I see a lot of white girls dating black guys (and these are not your average black guys, they are either wealthy or they are foriegners). But do you ever see white men with black ladies, no and I wonder why. Could it be our accent, or the texture of our hair, our Saartjie Baartman bodies or simply our dark complexion?? Who are black successful women suppose to date when black men are going for white women and white men going dating white women( even if they are ugly and intellectually disadvantaged)

I know that they say you cannot choose the one you love (personality). But I think that part of human instinctive nature is to have preference. When you see someone for the first time you see the colour of, you don’t know what kind of person they are and you start judging and I think that this is where the problem stems from. Dating the same race helps you at a happier life. You understand their struggles because you have to experienced or know someone who has experienced the same struggles.

There are just too many politics involved when dating outside your race. Friends and family may not approve, and the couple will constantly be challenged in their communities, schools and work places. Non-white individuals who date interracially are attacked on many fronts, one being the notion of "selling out."

When dating someone you have to be economically, educationally, socially, culturally, and most of all romantic compatibility and is very important and sad too but how is this possible to date interracially with racism still rife fourteen years after democracy. Most importantly dating someone in the same race can assist you retain your culture, beliefs and traditions without any disruptions or question why you have to do them. It is just easier to date your kind, less complications and less drama.


CruisersLac said...

Oh dear where have you been. Where I come from people date inter-racially. You are pointing out these things as if you have been conducting a survey but I am sorry to tell you that only people in your little world make an an issue of race and money when before they get into a relationship. Darling, did no-one ever tell you that love is a natural and automatic feeling and that it should not be based on physical appearances and possessions. well, if no-one did I'm sorry but that's what it really is. If all the relationships that you have been observing are based on materialistic staff and race, don't worry they will fall break their hearts, heal and carry on with their lives until they find the right person.

Nkuli said...


Congratulations, your opinion pieces pissed me off!!!! Throughout your whole argument you CONSTANTLY CONTRADICTED yourself. How is it that the popularity of interracial dating is proof of racism?

Instead it seems like you are the living proof of racism since you perceive interracial dating as a form of bringing back the wounds of the past, judge black men as being foreigners and white women as ugly because they are in interracial relationships. Because to me, interracial dating is living proof that RACISM IS THE PAST and that the youth of today have come to unite and moved away from such stigmas.

WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT; whether we date people from the same or different race as ours they will always be complications. You could be black or white you will still have to learn about your partners hereditary.

Stop being ignorant because the physical can be blinding; it’s really not about being black or white, or who is wrong or right. None of use are perfect but, you need to start looking with the eyes of the heart because this is the only way you will find happiness.

Mister Drunk said...

Firstly, I would like to say that I agree with cruiserlac in that sometimes using a specific example within the context does not suggest that that is actually true in all cases. I think that there is racism in some certain forms in certain situations, and that it will always be there, however, I think when engaging with the issue of inter-racial dating, each example needs to be looked at separately. However, I do agree with some points you raised in your piece, and completely respect your opinion – congratulations on writing an extremely controversial piece!
