Monday, October 13, 2008

Mean Girls meets Rhodes


Unknown said...

Hey Ice Cream... I totally love the toung-in-cheek-ness (lol) of this omic, it's so fiesty!

Im glad you let the male populace of Rhodes know that we're on to them and that sharing is NOT caring!!

For some laughs, check out our comic on


nonnie said...

ice cream, you have out done yourselves :) this is a true reflection of the things we ladies at Rhodes have to deal with, guys thinking they are the next Brad Pitt because of the ratio scale...well guys these ladies have exposed your fake player i love the plastic

Ange said...

Hi *Ice-Cream*

I was extremely captivated by this well thought out comic – one which I found relevant to life at Rhodes and especially with the shortage of the male species on campus. The issue this group decided to highlight through their photo comic is one which, I’m sure has been experienced by many and in fact played out in exactly the same manner. Turning the only guy in your group into a pimp was a clever move by the three ladies! It is evident that they have made use of the “Todorov Model of Narrative” in that there is a state of equilibrium and then later on when the girls discover the pimp’s plan this equilibrium becomes disrupted. Later it is restored when the girls join forces (as we should always do when it comes to the male species) and expose the ‘playa’. Character usage is clever, each role is clearly defined and they most definitely fit the role of the ‘plastics’ on campus. Very effective! All three of the girls function in much the same way upon leading to a defined climax where the guy is exposed as the villain. This is achieved using various social places on campus where Rhodents tend to hang out. In general I thought it was a clever comic, quality of photos was great and situations played out were believable.


Steve said...

Hey Ice Cream, well done. You can see that you have used Todorov’s ideas of equilibrium to equilibrium, how the plastics end up in the same position that they were in, and you also make the guy seem like a kind of villain for playing all the girls, which is in accordance to Propp and his stereotypical stock characters.

What I really liked though was your popular culture satire. Obviously the girls clique is a reference to the movie “Mean Girls” whilst the storyline is a satire of “John Tucker must die”, the two combining elements fused well and it made for an entertaining read.

Well done.